Sidekick by Suicide&Co

Our App is relevant for anyone bereaved by suicide, across all relationship types and at any time after a bereavement.

Navigating suicide related grief can be a lonely and isolating journey, this app can keep you company, always on your phone acting as a sidekick to wider support. 

Everyone’s journey is unique, and what will help some won’t help others, which is why our app includes a variety of resources to help you find the right support for you. 

key features

  • Exercises and programs for sleep, anxiety, and stress reduction 

  • Journaling with grief specific prompts

  • Book and podcast reviews specific to suicide related grief

  • Signposting to other relevant services 

  • Daily mood tracker 

  • Personalised toolkit with favourite exercises 

Please note our App is only available on iOS currently, as we are fundraising to expand it to Android in 2025. If you are an Android user and would like to be informed when this App launches on Android, please submit your email here

App Feedback

We’ve tested the App with over 50 people however we’d always welcome extra feedback, be that bugs within the App, ideas about new content or features or feedback on how to make the App more useful, please feel free to let us know using the survey below.


App Tutorial

Background Behind the App

Suicide&Co launched in July 2020 as the only national charity focusing on professional support for people bereaved by suicide. Our core service is our Counselling Service which now receives 40-60 applications each month with minimal awareness, meaning from day one we’ve been innovative about providing support via our Digital Services on our website.  

The crux of the issue is that thousands of people need support with their suicide-related grief and we need to find a sustainable solution to support our professional service offering so that we can provide support to more people. 

To prove the need for an App solution we conducted a research study which 306 people bereaved by suicide completed sharing their thoughts on digital services and their needs. We asked people to rate how much they agree (10) or disagree (0) with a series of statements. The average score for the statement: "I would like to access suicide bereavement resources and information that is personalised to me and my situation" was 8.7 and the score for "It is easy to find suicide bereavement resources which are specifically tailored to me and my situation" was 3, proving the gap of service provision and the need for a personalised solution. 

App technology can achieve a more personalised solution and at the end of 2022 we were incredibly lucky that a Charity called sidekick donated their app technology providing us with a foundation to build our app in a costly manner. One of their Co-Founders James has since come onboard to tailor the app to suicide-related grief and after a rigorous testing period we’re thrilled to be launching it to our community.