Where Reasons End by Yiyun Li


This bite size book is emotional and surprisingly humorous at times. It talks about the last time a mother sees her son before he takes his own life. As well as the great unknown series of events behind closed doors that leads up to the moment. She plucks up the courage in her head to have conversations with him to try and ask him the things she wanted to know about his decision and what was racing through his mind, creating answers that she thought he would give. 

Everyone deals with the suicide of a loved one in different ways and the chosen coping mechanism of the mother in this book is imagining the conversations she is having with her son. Though this book is fiction, the author had indeed lost her son to suicide, so the questions that the unnamed narrator is asking her son in the book translates to questions and conversations the author may well wish she was able to ask her son about in real life. 


Rachel John’s shared experience


A grief podcast with representative voices from across the UK