Anxiety - The missing stage of grief by Claire Bidwell Smith LCPC


If you’re going through grief yourself of or supporting a loved one you may have come across the stages of grief, or be aware that there are stages mentioned. Traditionally there were 5 stages developed, and in 2019 David Kessler added a sixth stage which was approved by the foundation of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and that stage was Finding Meaning. 

This book however, is about anxiety and exploring how this can be a factor within navigating grief. Claire writes about her personal experience of losing her father, what helped her and specifically around tools that can relieve anxiety. The book is packed full of useful tips and has anxiety check-ins at the end of each chapter so you can monitor your progress or reaction to the content within the book.

The focus is definitely more around grief theory and guidance than lived experience so this is perfect for someone that is looking for exercises and learning. It is not specific to suicide-related grief so some of the exercises may not seem relevant but we believe a lot can apply. 

In her closing words of the book Claire says “Losing the people I loved most in the world and walking through the fire of grief broke me wide open. Grief taught me compassion. Anxiety taught me peace and presence. Loss taught me how to live and love. It can do the same for you.”


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