Totally Fine (and other lies I’ve told myself) By Tiffany Philippou


This book narrates Tiffany’s journey through grief over the last decade, following the devastating loss of her boyfriend Richard to suicide, whilst they were studying at Bristol University.

This vulnerable account grabs shame by the horns and shakes it until all that is left is the truth. The truth that experiencing grief in formative years has a huge impact on old relationships, future relationships and your relationship with yourself. Tiffany writes about what this experience of loss taught her and suggests that she is doing so because the only way we can ‘give a voice to what is unspoken’ and break the stigma around subjects like suicide is through sharing our stories. She hopes that sharing her story will bring solace to anyone reading it who may be living with shame, guilt or loss. 

This book is an enjoyable short read that explores moments of echoing shame, ‘griefy’ sex, unwavering friendship and life lessons learnt by navigating suicide related grief. Tiffany shows how you can learn to embrace your past and the tragedies that have changed you 

Who is this book for? “Perhaps you have recently lost someone to suicide or you’re about to embark on the rollercoaster that is your twenties. Maybe you’re anxiously clutching onto your phone like Gollum with the ring, waiting for someone you like to text you back. Or maybe you’re still grieving for someone, decades after they’ve gone…it is only by sharing our stories that we can give a voice to the unspoken”

Tiffany is one of our Ambassadors and we are so glad to have her on this journey with us!


Anna Taptiklis’ shared experience


A workshop and show for ‘Finding Magic After Loss’