A workshop and show for ‘Finding Magic After Loss’


Beverley is a performer, creator, workshop facilitator and qualified therapist. She lost her son to suicide in 2018 and has used her skills to develop a one-woman theatre show called ‘Finding Magic’, where she explores her progression through grief and healing after her loss and seeks to find her magic again.

Beverley uses the art of storytelling, comedy and film to introduce the audience to her new reality after her loss of unpredictable triggers, flashbacks, memories and clichés using a new-found surreal type of humour that she has used to find peace after her bereavement. ‘Finding Magic’ is a story of loss, longing, love and laughter.

She has combined her professional skills with her lived experience to turn the ‘Finding Magic’ show into a unique 2 hour workshop in the form of a positive, interactive and life-affirming session that explores how to use creativity and ‘magic’ as a therapeutic process to find hope and to navigate grief after losing someone to suicide. 

In these workshops Beverley shares some of the tools that helped her on her grief journey and helps those attending to harness their own magic and strength to help them through their loss. The aim of the workshop is to empower people to feel less alone in their grief. 

​​Creativity enables alternative ways of being by unblocking old patterns of behaviour and thinking habits, and it is a great tool for change. Bev engages participants in activities that are inspiring, joyful and thought-provoking. The use of magic acts as a visual metaphor and a reminder that magic is there to be found and you are able to find joy in life again after loss.

The workshop can be delivered in 3 different ways: a CPD programme for professionals with an insights workshop and a train the trainer option, a wellbeing programme for those bereaved, or through screenings and presentations with speakers and panel discussions.

More information can be found on Beverley’s website here 


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