Submission 117
To My Darling Daddio,
Nothing in the world could've prepared me for losing you, ever. Losing you to suicide was something I never saw coming and ultimately would never ever be ready for. The daily heart shattering pain of your loss is mostly overwhelming and unbearable. There are days where I can breathe a little easier or walk a little taller but they are very few and far between kinda days.
We miss you so very very much just to hear you make us laugh or to be watching the football with you, I would give anything. I miss you, I miss your presence, I miss the amazing Dad that you were, I miss the amazing Pops that you were. We are all so very broken. We were never ready to live without you, ever.
I wish I could just sit with you, I wish I had done more to see how you were really doing. I wish life hadn't been such a rush. The thousands of unanswered questions might be just a little easier to live with then.
Miss you for eternity.
Love you forever
Your A-Team xxx