Submission 222


I wish you'd have stayed

I wish you'd have stayed
Mum, I wish you'd have stayed.
The daylight wouldn't feel so harsh if only you'd stayed.
The nighttime is now memories and arguments replayed.
And it'll never be the same without you, Mum, if only you'd stayed.

I wish you'd have stayed
Mum, to see the grandchildren we made.
I wish you'd have stayed
For all of the heartache we now have to brave.
It's not fair for you to bear that guilt though, I just wish you'd stayed.

I know that your spirit lives on in the memories we make, I know that your heart of kindness is carried in your 4 children day to day
The love that I feel for you Mum, can't be measured in any old way.
It was copious amounts:
Cuddles, kisses and when you'd say
"I'm so proud of you all"
You made that so clear to us Mum,
But the favour returned wasn't the same.
You didn't believe all the praise.
Oh, the impression you'd made!
You were loved by so many in those final days.

You'd spent years in isolation due to emotional decay,
But suddenly you came out of the shadows and paved the way..
The love that you gave inspired others
To get up and say,
To speak their true minds and be honest about the sorry state..
Of feeling so helpless and those moments of rage.
Why can't those who haven't suffered see
All the way..
There's more to it than a drunk on the street or a down in the dumps day.
There's more to it than that.
The world isn't black and white, it's grey.

You spoke your truth Mum
At the Poverty Truth Commission launch day,
You moved most to tears, but you still felt helpless as nothing seemed to change.

It just hurts so much Mum, I wish that you'd stayed.

I know it was hard for you Mum. Your mind kept you enslaved.
Reliving the tragedies and all of the pain.
A lifetime of sadness, the let downs, the abuse that you faced.
I realise how hard it was now, I'm sorry.
Please Mum, be saved!


Submission 223


Submission 221