Submission 38


Well what can I say I know you must have been hurting to do such a thing, however the pain a misery you caused has been unbearable to our parents.I have long been angry at you for this and it has had a detrimental effect on my own life.One of my regrets is that we spent so much of our youth fighting and arguing making our mums life so hard. And just as we had both turned a corner and grown up you decided it was time to go.

I wish we had been more close and then that way you may have been able to confide in me your concerns, and we would still be able to talk now and maybe even joke about how things have turned out. This is something we will never know.Just so you know bro I have turned my life around I have a wonderful wife and family and live in a wonderful part of the country.I guess what I’m trying to say I’m a long winded way is that I forgive you it’s been along time coming bro but I forgive you.

I’m trying to help others going through what I have been through and reaching out to those that may be in the same situation you felt you where in back then, that is the one positive from all this that I can make a difference now I hope you would be proud of me for doing this.You had your reasons I understand that after being in mental place my self however back then I didn’t and I know no matter how hard I tried I could never forgive you. Now I can and I will make sure whenever I can that someone else will not make the same choice.Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem I wish o could have told you that back then.

Bless you bro and I will see you soon but not to soon I hope.



Submission 39


Submission 37