Submission 83

To my darling Jack,

I miss you so much. Every second of every day despite it being 931 days since you left us all. I was so angry at first, I thought how could you do this and plunge everyone who loved and knew you into such heartache. But I know that the heartache, pain and despair you felt was much greater than ours ever could be. I wish that I could have done more to help you, noticed more, used the right words, changed the outcome, anything to keep you here. But it was just not meant to be.
I want you to know that you are, and always will be, so loved and cherished. I wish our last conversation could have been more meaningful but there is no point in regretting what could have been. I am just grateful to have had the time with you and made the wonderful memories that I keep close in my heart. Rest easy now, wherever you are. We will love you always.

S xxx


Submission 84


Submission 82