A peer support group in the Republic of Ireland 


In January 2016, Fiona Tuomey’s 11 year-old daughter Milly died by suicide. Fiona tried to find a support group where she lived in Dublin but could not find one. So, in 2017 she decided to set up ‘HUGG’ which is a peer support organisation and it was then established in 2018. Their mission is to ‘offer hope and healing by providing information, telephone support and local peer support groups led by volunteers with lived experience,’ in the Republic of Ireland. In their support groups, they offer a safe and supportive environment where people who have been bereaved by suicide can tell their stories and share their feelings whilst gaining support from others who have gone through similar things. 

Their vision is to provide hope and healing to bereaved individuals through conversations with peers in their support groups. The support groups are open and you do not have to speak if you do not wish to as HUGG believes that ‘there is healing in just being with those who understand your pain.’ You are able to attend a HUGG group by filling out the form here. These groups are facilitated by trained volunteers and once you have filled out the form you will be assigned to the most suitable group for you. 

For more information on their support groups or to get in contact with them, you can call their telephone number 01 513 4048 if you live in the Republic of Ireland.


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