Truth - A poem by Amy Ropner


By Amy Ropner

Below is a poem Amy wrote 3 years after her mum died when she was thinking about the different direction her life had taken but that she wanted to remind herself that she was still in charge of her future.

Truth is the chill on a summers day unabashed by logic

Truth is the feeling that you wish would slink away

It’s when you are awash with the reality rather than the magic

As you glimpse the first haze of sun and realise that your life has come undone

You are left with the physical pain where your archetypal angel once stood

In this gloom and doom, it feels like life will come to no good

Though the path is undoubtedly tougher and metaphorical blizzards can sweep you on a wayward pass

Remember that life has meaning and while you are seeing, breathing and dreaming -

It is you who can choose the fate of your life and embrace challenge with skill and grace

Rather than let strife conquer and force you to wave a white flag on the future yet untold

You are the driver of your destiny so put on your helmet and keep a firm hold.


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