Submission 79


I often dream that we are together again. I tell you how awful it was that you had died, you’d died by suicide and how terrible it was for us all that we had thought we had lost you. In my dreams I am traumatised by what I have been through but am so overcome with joy and relief to see you again, to be with you; to hold, to hug and to kiss you. It feels like home and there is no longer a part of me missing. Nothing truly matters other than the fact I love you and my god do I miss you. I am plagued by the ifs buts and maybes. I wish I had got you that day and taken you home. You would have been safe. As much as my dreams hurt me mum, they also give me hope. That feeling when you are there takes the pain away and that is what I will hold onto. One day we will be together again but until then I’ll be missing you.

Forever your daughter, Molly xxx


Submission 80


Submission 78