Submission 87

To my Brother

Why? That was the question I couldn’t move past for years. I couldn’t understand, so I found explanation in blaming you and blaming myself.

Life can be measured in length but also in depth. Your life was cut devastatingly short, but I’ve learned so much from the way you lived. Your empathy, your kindness, your passion. I’ve learned from you the importance of measuring my own life in its depth, in experiences and the footprints I leave behind.

When you died I blamed you for what you took away from me. But your life is about more than your death, and what I owe you now is to say how deeply grateful I am for what you gave me. The years I got to spend with you and the lessons you taught me.

Thank you for being you and thank you for being in my life. I love you.


Submission 88


Submission 86