What the Stars Teach Me- Ciara Collins-Atkins Lived Experience
Science says
The stars I see do not exist.
My soul says
This does not make me love them less
It makes me love them
Even more
To know that sometimes
What I see does not exist
And what I cannot still does.
-What The Stars Teach Me
The stars by the sea where I live are sometimes brilliant. I love to look at them and observe how the longer I look the more I can see. My mind quietens, in awe of this beauty, which is actually billions of light years away from where I stand on earth! How is that possible? That I can see something that is so far away it potentially doesn’t even exist anymore?! The concepts of time and space become stretchy. Science and spirituality become the same thing. I am reminded of exactly how little we know of this universe we live in, on a rock, spinning through space, around a ball of fire. And somehow, in a way I can’t quite explain ( but can only allude to in a poem ), the stars comfort me by reminding me there is so much more than what the eye can see. Our eyes can only see so much.
The stars support me in expanding beyond my limited perspective. Just like the universe will never stop expanding, I feel that I will never stop expanding in the face of grief and loss. The expansion is ongoing, not always visible to the naked eye, but my soul knows it as I look up at the stars and contemplate concepts I never would have before.