Submission 93
My Darling,
I am so very sorry for letting you down. I didn’t see the pain you were in. You ask for forgiveness but you don’t need to be forgiven, it is I who needs forgiveness. I have let you down.
I was the one person who you should have been able to talk to. The one person you should have been able to be open with. But I failed, I failed to have the openness between us that would have let you be able to open up to me.
I miss you every minute of everyday. I love you so much, and I can’t believe I’ll never see you again. That you will never get to achieve all the wonderful things I know you would have achieved in your life.
Oh Darling, if only you had known just how many people loved you. I failed to build you up to the level where you had a higher opinion of yourself, were you felt worthy of the love that surrounded you.
I am sorry I didn’t protect you, I left you to sort your way through it. I should have carried it for you. I taught I was protecting you to give you a future, I am so sorry I wish I had done it differently.
I don’t know who I am now you are not here, you are my everything. I am so so sorry.