Submission 19
Partner Amelia Wrighton Partner Amelia Wrighton

Submission 19

My Husband,

I cannot get the image out of my head and I can’t stop thinking he is angry with me.

Most of our 31yr marriage he struggled with mental health and I definitely believe that this was not dealt with properly whilst we lived in Devon so after that he refused to go back to see a GP.

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Submission 18
Parent Amelia Wrighton Parent Amelia Wrighton

Submission 18

To you Mum,

I'm not even sure what to say, I was never good with words, but you knew that. I didn't need to speak for you to know if I was OK or not. You just knew. I miss that.

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Submission 17
Child Amelia Wrighton Child Amelia Wrighton

Submission 17

Dear Jack,

The day you decided to gain your Angel wings was the day my world as I knew it ended, my heart hasn’t beaten the same since nor will it ever again. You were and will always be my first true love, my first born too excited to wait, you came 5 weeks early just in time for Christmas.

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Submission 16
Friend Amelia Wrighton Friend Amelia Wrighton

Submission 16

Dear E,

I shouted at you a lot yesterday and I'm sorry.

We were driving over a bridge, it had fresh flowers and Samaritans phone numbers on. My stomach just dropped through the floor of the car and I was crying because people had lost "their" E.

And then I was just so angry at you because I don't want to know what it feels like for them to lose their E.

Equally I don't want them to now be going through all the same horrific days I am, because I lost my E.

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Submission 15
Child Amelia Wrighton Child Amelia Wrighton

Submission 15

My Son,

I lost my youngest son to suicide, 27th August 2016. When the country was celebrating August Bank Holiday we as a family were grieving the death of my son. He had just turned 30yrs old, July 27th 2016.

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Submission 14
Friend Amelia Wrighton Friend Amelia Wrighton

Submission 14

Dear E,

I was laying on the sofa and watching TV
That’s when she messaged me.

To tell me you're gone
I didn't believe her, she had to be wrong.

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Submission 12
Child Amelia Wrighton Child Amelia Wrighton

Submission 12

My dearest darling son Cal,

My heart is aching and hurting I miss you so much, life will just never be right. I miss everything about you, your scent, touch, hugs, kindness, support, kind blue eyes, your humour, our chats whilst sharing a spliff. You understand my own challenges in life. We flew as if we are on the same plane.

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Submission 11
Sibling Amelia Wrighton Sibling Amelia Wrighton

Submission 11

Dear Christopher,

I miss your hugs. Your voice. Your laugh. Your stupid jokes. Your cheesy grin. I miss my brother. I missed the signs. I wish I helped. So much regret.

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Submission 10
Sibling Amelia Wrighton Sibling Amelia Wrighton

Submission 10

Dear Alexis,

There are so many things I feel like I need and want to say to you. I want to call you just to chat like we used to. I want to hear your laugh again. Man, I loved your laugh. I can hear it as I type these words. I want to see you with my babies. Listen to you while you talk with them, read to them, cuddle them.

I want to rewind time and go back to when you and I were little and dad would make way too much popcorn on movie nights. I felt like I could tell you anything. You were always so supportive and my biggest cheerleader.

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Submission 09
Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton

Submission 09


I think about you a lot. You left such an impression on me at quite a young age and I've always been so grateful, even though I can't quite pinpoint why. I think it's just because you were just so unapologetically 'you' and you were able to say so much without saying much at all.

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Submission 08
Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton

Submission 08

Dear Kian,

It’s been 1 year, and 7 months and it hasn’t gotten any easier without you here. You’re on my mind every hour of every day, I often wonder what I would say to you, and today 04/04/2022 this is how I feel.

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Submission 07
Parent Amelia Wrighton Parent Amelia Wrighton

Submission 07


I hope you have found the peace that you were looking for. When I am asked that dreaded question “how did he die?” I simply say, you died from sadness.

It tears me apart that you felt as though this was the only option you had. I’ve grown up hearing stories about how funny you were, how you lit up every room you entered with your personality and dance moves… although they are nice to hear, it also breaks my heart a little more each time.

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Submission 06
Friend Amelia Wrighton Friend Amelia Wrighton

Submission 06

Dear Adriana,

I know keeping you here would have been selfish of me. While of course the trauma of losing you is still raw, I really respect your decision to end it. I know you had lived a lot of trauma yourself over the years and living with bipolar challenged you in ways I can’t even imagine.

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Submission 05
Parent Amelia Wrighton Parent Amelia Wrighton

Submission 05


It's been 8.5 weeks since I lost you. I think about you every single minute of every single day. I can't help thinking about the last time I spoke to you on your 62nd birthday only two weeks before you took your own life. It was a conversation full of hope and optimism and I was so proud to hear that you wanted this to be your year after suffering so much last year with both your physical and mental health. This made the news all that more shocking but really I wasn’t shocked. I knew it was something that had been on the cards for years and it was a matter of time before you did it.

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Submission 04
Child Amelia Wrighton Child Amelia Wrighton

Submission 04

To our precious Benji,

Miss you with every breath that I take and will until my last. It breaks my heart that you aren’t here and won’t have your ‘happy ending’ that you so deserved.

Some days seem impossible to bear without you and yet I must, for Ell, Lill and Ria. I listen to your voice on videos, and see your smiling face looking back but I know that you hurt so much.

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Submission 03
Parent Amelia Wrighton Parent Amelia Wrighton

Submission 03

Dear Mum,

It’s been over 30 years now, but I still think of you often. I see you when I look in the mirror and I’ll never forgive the flat ass I inherited from you.

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Submission 02
Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton Other Relationship Amelia Wrighton

Submission 02

Dear Aeva,

It's going on 2 years…well you left us June of 2020 exactly 1 month after your 15th birthday.

I remember the day, like it happened today…your Grandpa Dave called me…it was 10:47 am, I was trying to get ready for work..I wasn't feeling quite right..kind of sick feeling.

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Submission 01
Child Amelia Wrighton Child Amelia Wrighton

Submission 01

My Darling Adrian,

It is the 3rd Anniversary of your suicide on the 7th April. We still miss you so much, but we ask everyday why? Why could we not help you? Why you could not talk to me?

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